Monday, April 27, 2015

#1 Premium Pet Odor and Stain Remover Spray Review

<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a>
I could not have received the chance to try this product at a better time.My dog is 16 and he has trouble making it outside to use the bathroom at times. We also have 2 other dogs and 2 cats. My house can go from sparkly and smelling good to muddy and smelling of wet dog in just one thunderstorm. I was offered this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased opinion.
This is great to just spray to freshen up the house if you have company coming or just need to get pet odor out of the air. It is also incredible for pet stains. Without getting too descriptive, my 16 year old dog has accidents frequently that can be pretty gross. I have found that if I clean up and then spray the area before scrubbing, the odor goes away instantly. By the time I get my scrub bucket and go back to clean up, the spray breaks down any matter that may be left for an easy clean up.
I really do love this product. It is wonderful to keep on hand. 
This spray does not have any odor, it does not "mask" the smell, it really just takes away odor. I don't know how they do it, but, it is incredible.

<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a>

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